The DELPHIN manufacturer, PROAIR GmbH Gerätebau, is a highly innovative company from the Allgäu. Over the years, several components developed by PROAIR have already been patented - for example the L-Lamella, the heart of the DELPHIN. In order to have the mode of action of the DELPHIN scientifically examined and proven, PROAIR cooperates with recognised scientists, renowned universities and independent laboratories across national borders. Furthermore, PROAIR has been awarded for its main product DELPHIN again and again, most recently with the TOP 100 seal.
TOP 100-SEAL 2022
In 2022, the DELPHIN manufacturer PROAIR convinced as a think tank and beam was awarded the TOP 100 seal for this. In this competition, particularly innovative medium-sized companies are awarded.
Here you can see a short video clip of the award ceremony:
After the president of the Italian Society for Environmental Medicine SIMA (Società Italiana Di Medicina Ambientale), was shown the DELPHIN S8, it was clear to him that this cleaning device could be the solution to numerous hygiene problems in the household. Tests at the University of Milan confirmed Alessandro Miani's assumption. At the university, the DELPHIN's ability to reduce fine dust in the indoor air was examined. As a result, the Italian Ministry of Health officially classified the DELPHIN as a preventive medicine.
Highly efficient against viruses and bacteria in indoor air
The independent test laboratory of the airmid healthgroup ltd from Dublin (Ireland) examined the air cleaning device DELPHIN very intensively over a period of 6 months. The results are sensational:
In the test, the DELPHIN S8 reduced influenza viruses Influenza A(H1N1) by 99.9%* within 20 minutes in the air. Further tests in the Airmid laboratory confirm that the DELPHIN can also remove bacteria of the Staphylococcus epidermis type very effectively from the air. In the test laboratory, more than 99.6% of these bacteria were very effectively removed from the air with the DELPHIN after only 40 minutes.
*Test with influenza A (H1N1), 28.5 m3 room size
The PLUS X A WARD honours brands for the quality and innovative edge of their products and is considered the largest innovation award for technology, sport and lifestyle - worldwide! In 2014, the DELPHIN DP S8 model was awarded the PLUS X AWARD for innovation several times - in the categories High Quality, Ease of Use, Design and Functionality.